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Enhancing performance through palpation

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Welcome to Holly Clarke Animal Chiropractics

Like humans, animals can suffer from a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including joint stiffness, back discomfort and muscle tension. These are commonly linked to skeletal misalignments.

As a McTimoney Veterinary Chiropractor, Holly can help to alleviate these issues to improve functionality, relieve areas of discomfit and optimise performance.

The McTimoney Chiropractic technique uses a hands-only approach and is a gentle and non-invasive method, that is generally well received by animals.

Fully qualified and insured McTimoney Veterinary Chiropractor under the McTimoney Animal Association and RAMP.

What is McTimoney?

McTimoney is a chiropractic technique used to target pain or dysfunction in the neuromuscular system. I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of a bone being ‘out of place’ or have heard of specific joints being ‘out’. This terminology misrepresents what is actually occurring. Instead of the joint being ‘out of place’, the joint is actually restricted within its capable range of motion. We refer to this as a misalignment and it can be corrected using chiropractic adjustments.

The goal of any adjustment is to restore the optimal range of motion that the affected joint is capable of, subsequently alleviating inflammation and pressures on surrounding nerves and soft tissue. The inflammation, similar to a kink in a hose pipe for example, makes it difficult for nerves to transmit their messages correctly. Nerves work alongside the brain and the spinal cord (central nervous system) to control everything in the body. Improving their ability to communicate effectively enhances overall health. 

The McTimoney technique requires only the use of the practitioner’s hands to deliver high velocity, low amplitude (fast & gentle) adjustments to specific anatomical landmarks. The treatment is non-invasive and often well received by the animals. Post treatment the animal’s range of motion and joint movement and co-ordination will be improved, optimising neuromuscular function for longevity. 

"Holly is fantastic, has a great eye for issues and is great at treatments. She is helping me rehab my boy after his kissing spine op. She is also a fab hand with clippers and general trimming up. Highly recommend!"
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