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Holly Clarke Animal Chiropractics specialises in using the McTimoney technique to resolve dysfunction and restore balance to the musculoskeletal system. Each individual joint within the body has a normal range of motion to facilitate normal locomotion. Like a bicycle chain, each joint must be correctly aligned to ensure correct function and movement. 

When a misalignment occurs the said joint becomes restricted within its normal range of motion causing the system to become impaired. Whilst the restriction does not necessarily prohibit the animal moving, it can create a compensatory pattern of locomotion which can then lead to further muscular discomfort including muscle tension and asymmetry.


The spinal column houses the spinal cord where nerves are located to innovate the surrounding soft tissue. Therefore, the importance of correct alignment of the musculoskeletal system within the body is necessary for optimal function. So, what can cause these misalignments to occur? Causes can vary from a slip or fall, rough play with other dogs, ill-fitting harness, jumping in/out of car boots, regular playing with tug-toys or conformational deficits.

Symptoms to lookout for?

  • Changes in behaviour (increased aggression, more submissive/quieter than normal)

  • Difficulty climbing stairs

  • Struggling to get on/off sofa

  • Reluctance to play or exercise

  • Limb stiffness

  • Changes in performance in agility, gun or other working dogs 

  • Areas of increased sensitivity when touched

  • Muscle asymmetry

  • Shifting weight 

  • Reduced appetite


Benefits for McTimoney in Dogs

  • Reduced muscle tension

  • Improved posture

  • Relief from discomfort

  • Promotes relaxation reducing stress levels

  • Helps prevent muscle strain

  • Improved proprioception

  • Restore muscle symmetry

  • Reduced recovery time after exercise

Our dependence on our canine companions is ever increasing. Whether they're a household pet, a working or service dog or an agility dog. The demand on the musculoskeletal structure exposes the body to various forces/pressure. But like human athletes, dog requires more than just exercise to help  maintain and improve performance.


Dogs can take up to 24-48hrs to fully process the treatment. Some benefits may even take more than one or two sessions to help improve their overall well-being. 



Veterinary Consent

HC Animal Chiropractics is regulated by the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exception Order 2015. Therefore, it is essential that veterinary consent is obtained prior to conducting any treatment consultations.


As a secondary health practitioner Holly aims to work closely with your veterinary surgeon to ensure we provide a safe, appropriate, and effective treatment specialised for each of my clients’ requirements. Most vets are aware of the benefits of complementary treatment for their patients and will readily give their permission for your animal to be treated.


The veterinary consent form can be downloaded below. Once completed email it back to or hand over in person at the time of your appointment.

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